
Part 1: Virus-host-environment relationship

第一部分 :病毒-宿主-环境三间关系


Viruses on Earth


The earth we live in is complex and vibrant. On this beautiful and magnificent planet, besides humans, there are also a variety of plants and animals. But if we zoom out, zoom out, zoom out, we find that there are actually a huge number of invisible microbes coexisting with us, including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and so on.


A virus is a small, simple, strictly parasitic organism in either plant or animal cells or bacteria, and is a kind of non-cellular life form. American author Carl Zimmer has written a book named “A Planet of Viruses”, the title of which is an accurate description of Earth. Viruses are everywhere on Earth, in the oceans, glaciers, hot springs, the air. In particular, the ocean, which covers 71 percent of the Earth’s surface area, is the primary habitat for viruses, with about 87 percent of the planet’s viruses found in ocean floor sediments. According to research, there are up to 100 billion virus particles per liter of seawater, which is more than 12 times the number of people on the planet in 2022. In all of the ocean water on Earth, there are about 1031 virus particles.


It is not hard to understand how viruses affect the planet in many ways. Taking marine viruses as an example, viruses can directly affect the biochemical action of marine microorganisms and thus change the microbial community structure in the ocean. Worldwide, viruses have been reported to release 3.7*107-5*107 tons of organic carbon annually by lysis of host cells, which is an important source of organic carbon for heterogeneous microorganisms.


Viruses are so widely distributed because they are extremely resistant to harsh environments. In recent years, scientists have discovered a virus SIRV2, which is hosted by a bacteria called Sulfolobus islandicus, which lives in acidic (PH≈3) hydrothermal vents at 80 degrees Celsius. Using an electron microscope, the scientists looked at the virus’s resistance to heat, drought, and ultraviolet light, which allows it to survive in such extreme conditions.


The state of the virus in the host and environment


The size difference between different viruses is quite large. The smallest virion is just a few nanometers long and can be seen only through an electron microscope. Among common spherical viruses, the diameter of the influenza virus is about 80 nm, the diameter of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is about 125 nm, and the diameter of African swine fever virus is about 260 nm. Pandoravirus, known as the ” Girus,” is one micron in diameter and can be seen with a normal microscope. As reported, Marseillevirus, an Girus, infected an 11-year-old French boy.


Co-evolution and competition relationship between virus and host


The war between viruses and their hosts is the longest-running war on Earth. They live with, influence, and evolve with their hosts. Plants, animals, and people have been forced to participate in this smokeless war, and have often been hurt. The virus has caused many of the great plagues in human history. A type of retrovirus that causes immunodeficiency (AIDS) has become a nightmare for many people. The virus inserts genetic material into the DNA of the host cell, and when the cell divides, the virus’s own genes are copied and passed on, so AIDS does not go to root. Of course, the effects of viruses on humans and animals are not limited to this, nor are they all negative. In fact, the retrovirus family is preserved in genetic remnants in everyone’s genome, with these nucleic acid fragments accounting for 8% of the genome’s total DNA. Scientists have discovered that an endogenous retrovirus can synthesize syncytin, the key to the evolution of placentas in mammals.


Morphology and structure of virus


As mentioned earlier, viruses vary greatly in size, and viruses come in a variety of shapes, from spherical, rod, or filamentous, to bullet or tadpole shaped. Spherical viruses are the most common, including the familiar coronavirus. If you cut the coronavirus down the middle, you can see that the structure of the virus is layered, somewhat similar to a Russian doll. The innermost layer is the genetic material – nucleic acid, the outermost layer is the capsule; on the surface of the capsule are more than 30 fibrin proteins. These proteins are not simple. Over millions of years of evolution, they have developed the ability to bind to cell membrane receptors. This is the lock-key theory, and the virus sticks firmly to the cell.


The virus is polymorphic. The familiar influenza virus is lab-adapted and spherical, but influenza viruses with long filaments are common in the environment. The morphology of virions is the result of genetic coding. Filamentous virions can directly overcome pressure and enter the host cell. The physical and chemical factors in the living environment of viruses can also lead to reversible changes in the form of viruses.


Viruses can be sensitive to their environment, and weather factors, especially temperature and relative humidity, play an important role in the survival and spread of viruses. The virus survives better under low and high humidity conditions, while its survival was greatly reduced under moderate humidity conditions (40-60%). High temperatures are bad for the survival of viruses, while low temperatures are relatively good. This is why many countries are paying close attention to the weather forecast during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to adverse conditions, viruses can often gather to form a “social organization” or even form “crystals”, which can be captured by transmission electron microscopy. Such organization protects most of the virions from being destroyed and thus allows the virus to survive in a harsh environment. Viral aggregation and crystallization may be long-term evolutionary abilities.

Part 2: Virus-host-environment relationViruses and the History of Human Civilizationship

第二部分 :病毒与人类文明史


In Ancient China, it was thought that animal health and the environment were generally in a relatively balanced state, and that climatic abnormalities would destroy the balance, leading to animal disease. Later, it was thought that poisonous gases (miasmas or gas) can lead to large-scale epidemics. For example, Ge Hong et al. wrote “肘后备急方” records, during the Jianwu period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, that soldiers Nanyang Rupp were infected in an epidemic, named “Rupp虏疮,” and pointed out that it was caused by poisonous gas. This is the earliest recorded case of smallpox infection. In his “温疫论”, Wu youxing of the Ming Dynasty attributed the cause of such severe infectious diseases to “the severe gas of heaven and earth,” and pointed out that “the evil enters from the mouth and nose,” especially emphasizing the invasion of pathogens into the upper respiratory tract.

西方世界对于疾病的早期观点与中国相似,认为疾病是由有毒的空气(瘴气)导致的。随后,荷兰眼睛商人发明的显微镜,将细菌等微生物世界呈现在人们眼前时。直到1892年,俄国生物学家发现,感染的烟草叶提取液经未上釉的陶瓷滤器过滤后(除掉了细菌及杂质)仍能感染花草,这种滤过性病原只有在活细胞内才能生存复制,几年后被命名为病毒(virus, from Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice )。6年后(1898年)两位德国学者分离出第一种人畜共患病病原体——口蹄疫病毒。人类对于传染病病原的进一步探究,很大程度上依赖于研究手段的进一步发展。1931年,德国工程师发明了电子显微镜,推进了病毒化学时期的开始,并在1944年观察到烟草花叶病毒的杆状外形。1952年,美国长岛冷泉港的噬菌体小组的同位素标记实验证实DNA是噬菌体(病毒)遗传信息的载体。1953年,脊髓灰质病毒减毒活疫苗被成功研制出来。同年,沃森和克里克建立了DNA双螺旋结构理论,为病毒学进入分子病毒学时期奠定了基础。近现代组织和细胞培养技术的建立是病毒学发展史上的重大里程碑,促进了许多病毒学领域的重要发展。

The early view of disease in the Western world was similar to that in China, that disease was caused by toxic air (miasma). Later, the compound microscope, invented by Dutch spectacle maker, revealed the world of bacteria and other microorganisms. It wasn’t until 1892 that Russian biologists discovered that infected tobacco leaf extract filtered through unglazed ceramic filters (stripped of bacteria and impurities) could still infect plants and plants. The filtrating pathogen could only replicate inside living cells, and a few years later it was named a virus (from Latin virus “poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice”). Then two German scholars isolated the first zoonotic pathogen – foot and mouth disease virus. To a large extent, the further exploration of the pathogens of infectious diseases depends on the further development of modern research methods. In 1931, German engineers invented the electron microscope, ushering in the beginning of the viral chemistry period and observing the rod-shaped tobacco Mosaic virus in 1944. In 1952, the phage group at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, USA, confirmed that DNA was the carrier of genetic information of phages (viruses). In 1953, live attenuated spinal gray matter virus vaccine was successfully developed. In 1953, Watson and Crick established the theory of the double helix structure of DNA, which laid the foundation for virology to enter the period of molecular virology. The establishment of modern tissue and cell culture technology is a major milestone in the history of virology, and has contributed to many important discoveries in the field of virology.

Part 3: The virus threatens the breeding industry, pet health and human biosafety

第三部分 :病毒威胁养殖业、宠物健康,以及人类生物安全


Viruses are closely related to the survival and reproduction of organisms on earth, and everyone’s daily life is affected by viruses.


Except causing the diseases and deaths of humans, viruses also threaten the farming industry, pet health and human biosafety, and can even influence the history of mankind.


The most famous example is that in 1918-19 alone, the Influenza A virus infected 1 billion people and killed more than 40 million — four times as many as in World War I — and it was one of the main reasons why the war ended.


Rabies is an acute zoonotic infectious disease with a mortality rate of nearly 100%. The incubation period is usually 2 weeks to 3 months and can be as much as 6 years. It should be noted that the rabies virus can be transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, or sick animals licking mucous membranes, (such as the mouth,) or open wounds.


Avian influenza can infect poultry, ornamental birds, waterfowl, and migratory birds through respiratory or close contact. It is also a threat to humans. In 2005, the H5N1 “bird flu” outbreak in Southeast Asia severely delayed the growth of broiler chickens and even killed them off, causing huge economic losses to farmers and infecting hundreds of people.


Known as a “reservoir” of viruses, bats have made headlines several times in recent years. Dromedary camels reportedly came into contact with bats carrying the MERS virus, bringing it to the Middle East and causing MERS, which has a case fatality rate of 37.8%. Bats can also carry and transmit Ebola virus, Marburg virus, SARS-CoV, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, and more, and the threat is not far away, with the animals around us always to be challenged from time to time.


Next, we will walk into the world of viruses through canines, felines, poultry, domestic animals and other animals, and explore animal virus to understand the form and transmission characteristics of viruses. We will think about the impacts of viruses on animals and humans. This spring, plant a seed of science, so that the bud of science in this country can thrive.




